What Are the Top 10 Movies of All Time?

Top 10 Movies - the break down
This topic is always debatable and critics around the world have been debating this list since movies were first made. Questions have been asked and technology advances have made older films look outdated and irrelevant, however, this list will judge films solely by there presence at the time of release.
So what makes a top movie?
There is a list of questions that have to be asked when reviewing a film:
Was the lead actor/actress good?
Was the supporting actor/actress good?
Was the film revolutionary?
How good was the script?
Was the cinematography good?
Was the directing good?
These basic questions help breakdown a massive list of hundreds and thousands of movies.
So here is the list starting from 10 downwards:
The list
10. The Silence of the Lambs 1991
Thriller in every sense of the word. Anthony Hopkins plays Hannibal Lecture sublimely in this world class production. This film keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole way through, from the creepy music, to the intense investigation going on behind the scenes of Hannibal's prison cell.
9. Titanic 1997
Another ground breaking film for theatrical advancement of epic scales. This romantic love story and quality CGI really pushes the boundaries for 1997.
8. Schindler's List 1993
One for the quiz bank: the highest grossing black and white film ever made. There is a reason behind this value and this film truly represents quality in its unique risk and reward by reintroducing a black and white film into the movie industry years after the introduction of colour. As a classic war film, Schindler's List is sure to please.
7. The Dark Knight 2008
A DC adaption of the popular hit series of films Batman. This takes the stereotypical spoofy Batman films and twists this into the dark city that Gothem encompasses. Heath Ledger really sets the bar with his take on the Joker and just for Heath's acting master class alone, this is good enough to get on any top 10 list.
6. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers 2002
Which Lord of the Rings to put into the top 10? Difficult one to chose, however the epic battle of the two towers and the story line behind the film really sets this film apart and makes fans want to watch the return of the king even more.
5. The Godfather 1972
Classic. Not much more to say that this is a must watch film in anyone's books. If you are a fan of Gangster films and you haven't watched this yet... Get in your car and go to the store and buy yourself a copy of this film DVD or Blu-Ray!
4. Gladiator 2000
The story behind this film and the classic speech encompasses this film and takes this to another level. Russell Crowe really puts in a performance in this film and he sets Gladiator on a path to glory. This film will have you instantly hooked.
3. Star Wars: Empires Strikes Back 1980
The second film that was released in the Star Wars set and this didn't disappoint at all following the massive success of the first film. With all the characters now strongly set, this really sets the tempo for the rest of Star Wars releases.
2. Shawshank Redemption 1994
Pure class in ever sense of the word. From acting to the set this film has everything. The story behind the film and it's clever take of prison life gives this film it's rightful place as number 2.
1. Forest Gump 1994
You just knew Tom Hanks had to be in the top 10 somewhere and where better than number 1. Your normal American guy tells a story from a park bench of a life that is so interesting it makes you wonder what your doing with your own life. From action to romance this film has it all.